Saturday, October 21, 2006

Still Working ...

Episode 2 will be up shortly. We promise. Sort of.

- The RFC Crew

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Episode 1 Is Live!

RFC Episode 1 is up and ready for downloading by right-clicking the link below and selecting "SAVE AS." The RSS file will be up shortly, enabling us to register and you to subscribe, if you feel so inclined.

Featured on RFC this episode are the following tracks:

1) "Time and a Word" - Yes
2) "Lay Down" - the Strawbs
3) "Astronomy Dominae" - Pink Floyd
4) "Signed Curtain" - Matching Mole
5) "Cloudbusting" - Kate Bush
6) "Montreal" - Frank Zappa
7) "Tears and Rain" - Aphrodite's Child

We hope you enjoy it, subscribe (when available), and listen frequently.

Radio Free Cleona: Episode 1

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Not Another Stinkin' Blog for Another Stinkin' Podcast!

This is the official blog for Radio Free Cleona, a podcast featuring music, music, and more music - mostly progressive rock, British folk, jazz, and minimalist modern classical music. Podcast playlists will be posted here, and the comments section will be a lively spot for friendly discussions, debates, and requests. That is, if people actually listen and post. We're not holding our breath.

Since we here at RFC have lives outside the virtual world, our posts might not be immediate or, on occasion, all that timely. We'll do what we can for as long as we enjoy doing it.

Have a good time and enjoy.

- The RFC Crew